Keep a complete, secure record of digital customer interactions

Designed for data-sensitive environments, Glassbox provides the most advanced capabilities to ensure compliance and mitigate risk in digital channels.

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Built for digital compliance

Interactions via digital channels can be hard to monitor, but are not exempt from regulations. Comply or risk hefty fines and reputational damage. Glassbox creates a forensic record of every digital journey on your website or mobile app, while monitoring and alerting you to customer struggles or suspicious behavior.

  • Easily investigate and provide evidence for customer complaints and disputes.

  • Quickly detect suspicious behavior to flag potential fraud.

  • Rest easier knowing you can prove compliance and keep vulnerable customers safe.

Accelerate reviews and investigations

Glassbox indexes all data, enabling you find sessions that match your criteria quickly. Data can be easily exported and combined with other data sources or interrogated using “google-like” search capabilities, so you can complete a past business review rapidly.

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Resolve complaints and disputes

Glassbox enables the rapid investigation and resolution of digital complaints by providing evidence showing exactly what happened. This session replay can be used to satisfy the customer or the ombudsman. Glassbox also enables rapid root cause analysis to prevent recurrence of the issues that gave rise to the complaint.

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Help vulnerable customers

Using AI-powered behavioral analysis, Glassbox flags activity that indicates customers may need additional support, allowing your contact center to proactively reach out in real time. For example, agents can offer a co-browsing session to help a struggling customer through their digital journey.

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Take a self-guided tour

Take our self-guided tour and experience how Glassbox delivers access to 100% of digital session data for quick analysis of user behavior, performance, and retrospective insights.

Self guided tour

Why businesses choose Glassbox for digital compliance

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Keep digital forensic records

Glassbox keeps a complete, auditable record of any digital sessions you deem important, so compliance teams can prove exactly what happened with zero ambiguity. Sessions are automatically indexed and fully searchable, reducing the burden of investigations.


Protect against fraud

Glassbox’s digital compliance toolkit includes real-time detection of anomalous or unhuman behaviors, such as DOM changes, scraping bots, multiple changes of fields or irregularly entered data. These alerts pinpoint the specific location of these behaviors, enabling a swift response.

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Complete data privacy

Glassbox automatically masks or omits personally identifiable information (PII) at point of capture based on your organization’s compliance requirements. Also, access to Glassbox data follows the principle of least privilege.

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Tagless data capture

Get a complete record with no manual overhead.
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Fraud mitigation

Pinpoint and investigate unusual digital behavior.
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Automatic indexing

Classify data for easy retrieval in future.
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Automated monitoring

Fulfill your duty of care and know if it's compromised.
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Scalable storage

Make long-term storage affordable with compression.

Drive digital compliance with Glassbox

See the many ways Glassbox can mitigate risk across your digital channels.